Experimental Perforations

 As with the Full Face Queens of this era, a number of experimental methods of separation were trialled before perforating was accepted to be the preferred method of separating the stamps.


Many different methods were employed and were usually dependant on the area of the country wherethe stamps were used and these include….


(a) Serrate 13 at Dunedin            

(b) Perf 13 x Serrate 13              

(c) Serrate 10 (at Wellington?)

(d) Serrate about 16 (at Nelson) 

(e) Serrate about 18 (at Nelson) 

(f) Roulette about 7 ( Auckland)

(g) Pin-Roulette 6-7                     

(h) Pin Roulette 9-10 (Nelson)  

(i) Y Roulette about 18 (Nelson)

(j) H-Roulette 14                         

(k) H-Roulette 15-16 (Nelson)     

(l) Oblique Roulette (Wellington)

(m) Perf 15                                   

(n) Perf 16                                               

(o) Pin Roulette 4 ( Dunedin)

(p) Square Roulette about 14 (Auckland)

Market information


 Date    Seller  Stamp  Perf type  Price  Price $NZ
Aug 2011 Trademe 2/- Die I  Oblique 14 $NZ275
 Aug 2011  Trademe  1d Die I  H Roulette  $NZ275
 Aug 2011  Trademe  1/- Die I  Serrate  $NZ300
 Aug 2011  Trademe  1/- Die I  H Roulette  $NZ350
 Aug 2011  Trademe  1d Die I  Pin Perf 14  $NZ600
 Feb 2012  eBay  1/- Grey & Red  Square Roulette 14  $US715  $NZ894
 Feb 2012  eBay  4d Green & Black  Square Roulette 14  $US523  $NZ654
 Feb 2012  eBay  1d Blue & Red  Perf 13 x Serrate 13  $US261  $NZ326
 Feb 2012  eBay  1d Blue & Red  H Roulette 15-16  $US249.50  $NZ312
 Feb 2012  eBay  6d Brown & Blue  H Roulette 15-16  $US360  $NZ450
 Feb 2012  eBay  4d Green & Brown  Square roulette about 14  $US360  $NZ450
 Feb 2012  eBay  1/- Grey & Red  Square roulette about 14  $US360 $NZ450
 Feb 2012  eBay  1d Blue & Red  Serrate 10  $US261  $NZ326
 Feb 2012  eBay  6d Brown & Blue  Roulette 7  $US360  $NZ450
 Feb 2012 eBay  1/- Grey & Red  Roulette 7  $US249.50  $NZ312
 Sept 2012 Trademe 2/- Orange & Blue (NZ Mng Wmk) H Roulette 14.5 on 2 sides $NZ142


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